

Once the signal for your battle time has been given, you must follow the crowd of people down the long escalators to the bottom floor. As in any war, there are always two sides. Upon purchasing your ticket, you can either choose to be on the side of good (Robin Hood) or on the side of evil (Sheriff). The two escalators will take you to your perspective side, and eventually you will be on completely opposite sides of the building. But have no fear, you’re among friends. You can purchase tickets in one of two ways. You can either buy them at the Park itself in the Waiting Level, or you can purchase them online. By purchasing them online you are guaranteed a position on the battlefield. A computerized system tracks the purchases on a second-by-second basis to ensure that each side is accounted for and has an equal amount of participants. The maximum capacity for each side is 500 people; so there can be as many as a thousand people fighting in one massive battle. Since the scope of each battle is extreme, only three battles actually take place in any given day; except for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday in which case there are four battles that will occur. Once at the bottom, participants will go to one of the ten Ticket & Suit Offices on their side of the building. There, people will bestow their ticket and receive their battle suit.

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